Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lighting Storm

I had a chance to photograph a other element which I never tacked before. It all started when I was in my Kuk Sool Won class & I was deciding what to do when I got home. Even though I was very tried from going through that class which as sparring & grappling that nite. I was soo excited that I had this opportunity . Immediately when I got home & dashed from my car to my room changed cloths as fast as lighting gripped my DSLR & my tripod & the wireless remote & hurried outside where. There wasn’t any real severe threat of bad weather. I set up my tripod & got the camera on it & tried to start shooting but I didn’t have much luck at all! All I captured was the sky lite up by the lighting blot & not the lighting blot that I was trying to get! I guess we have to all start somewhere before we are masters of this one element or get experience to actually know what to do & what not to do – safety wise as well as what settings to put the camera into.